Ironlev® technology makes the leaf fluctuating, without any friction and with silent and fluid motion.
Ironlev® Door
Self closing
Magnetic self closing with constant force and magnetic dynamic damping along the whole length.Soft closing
Manual sliding with low friction and damped stops at both ends.
Ironlev® Door consists of a levitation unit recessed into the ceiling made of a sliding rail, the Ironlev® magnetic pads and a connection beam.
The system does not require electricity: it works manually even with great weights and features unique functionalities, including magnetic self-closing or soft-closing, without any mechanical components: magnetic brake limits sliding speed, preventing slams.
Different finishing and customizations allow perfect fitting with the interior environment. Every detail makes it pleasing and specific for in-sight installation.
Ironlev® Wall
Ironlev® Wall opens to the creation of new spaces.
The wall is no more a static element, but it levitates and moves with the lightness of a finger.
The magnetic wall anchors to a thin steel line, freeing the ceiling from ancillary structures and enabling greater architectural exibility.
The wall can be integrated into the architectural space, or otherwise can create division and distinct elements.
The IronLev® Wall leaf is available in aluminium honeycomb, wood or drywall frame with virtually endless finishings.
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